Hope and Joy


I’m delighted to share two crochet murals at the 2024 Artomatic, a festival “by artists, for everyone.” Found on the 5th floor in space 5010 A, these installations are on display from March 8 through April 28. The murals are a celebration of the world around us, of hope and of joy.

“Joy blooms here” brings together various crocheted elements to create a “garden” abundant in color and texture.

Detail of crochet flower mural. A variety of shapes and colors in crochet against a blue wall.

“Hope grows here” uses crocheted elements in shades of green and brown to create a tree trunk and leaves brimming with texture.

crocheted tree against a blue wall.
Detail of crocheted tree.

Artomatic is open Wednesday-Sunday through April 28. Admission is free and there are a variety of events scheduled throughout. See the Artomatic website for details.