Beth Hess of Wunder Around

I grew up in a family of makers. Whether it was fresh floral bouquets, zucchini bread, a quilt, a necklace or yard décor, someone was making something by hand. I didn’t realize it at the time, but this gave me a real appreciation for handmade goods and a respect for the amount of time it takes to make something by hand. It also gave me lots of opportunities to practice making.

I entered projects in the county fair, shared a table at a craft show with my mom and grandmother, and made gifts for the holidays. Creating something that someone else could use and enjoy made me happy—and it still does.

Today I craft with glass, with yarn and with words. Some days I also dig out paper, fancy scissors, fabric, paint, clay, plastic or some other bit of everyday to make something new. I delight in learning new techniques in craft, meeting makers and sharing handmade.